Improve English
>> Thursday, December 18, 2008
Masa kini, hebat diperkatakan mengenai Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran di dalam Bahasa Inggeris Bagi sahabat-sahabat sekalian, antum seharusnya melihat perkara ini dari sudut positif iaitu dengan menjadikan ia sebagai cabaran yang perlu sahabat-sahabat hadapi. Kerana dalam kita menjalani kehidupan, pasti tanpa cabaran hidup ini pasti akan membosankan. Berikut adalah beberapa tip yang boleh dijadikan panduan bagi sahabat-sahabat untuk meningkatkan penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris. I need permission to write the tips in English.
1. Spend some time to read the dictionary at least few minutes.
2. Try to remember five to ten words (it’s depends) every day.
3. Try to read at least one English article (any sources can be) per day and do translation about the article.
4. When you read anything in English, if you didn’t understand the word, don’t waste time, note it down in your personal note book (Vocabulary book) and look for the meaning in the dictionary immediately.
5. Try to write sentences in English. Start with one sentence, two, three sentences and so on. And then from that stage, try to write a paragraph, two, three paragraph and so on.
6. Try to talk with your friends, or anybody in English. It doesn’t matter if your sentences are wrongly in structure, ‘Rojak’ with Bahasa (or other language), pronunciation or else. You can start with simple words and short sentences.
7. Take the chances to talk in English as much as you can when you are in the “English Situation”. Example : In your English class or English day in your University.
8. Discipline. From now on, start to read English materials, talk in English, watch and see anything in English.
Good luck to you, hopefully your
English will improve!!!!!!
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